Raggedy Ann paper piecing svg

Here is a Raggedy Ann paper piecing file to go with my Raggedy Andy file here.  The oval piece is to put behind the face so that the eyes can be drawn in or made a different color than the base.

The download is a layered svg file for use with either version of SCAL.

My files are for personal use only.  Feel free to link to this post, but the files are not to be shared or distributed in any way.

Download the file from here.

18 Responses to Raggedy Ann paper piecing svg

  1. Barbara says:

    Thank you! For the cute file of Raggedy Ann and Andy

  2. Suzanne says:

    Could this file be saved as a .pes for machine embroidery??

    • HeatherM says:

      Hi Suzanne,
      I have no experience with converting svg to pes, but I think it is possible. This is something that you will need to research for yourself.

  3. Gypsy says:

    These are adorable, thank you so much.

  4. Whitney C. says:

    Wow I love this file. I just discovered your site from someone listing it on SCAL Yahoo board. You do some amazing work. This takes me back to my childhood. Thanks for sharing the file.


  5. Cindy says:

    Thanks for the cut file for Raggedy Ann and Andy! They are adorable! Thank you for sharing!

  6. Great thanks for the material

  7. Melanie says:

    Thanks so much – my mother made me a set of these dolls when I was little and I loved them so much.

  8. Janna Hatley says:

    Can you make some more Raggedy Andy and Raggedy Ann designs. I Love them. Thanks Janna

  9. Janna Hatley says:

    I Love Raggedy Andy and Raggedy Ann. I wouldn’t have every thing I would have them in SVG files. Can you make some more designs with them? Please let me no Thank You.

  10. Kerry says:

    So adorable! TFS!

  11. Dawn says:

    Thanks so much!!!

  12. Carmen Lucero says:

    This is awesome! I hope my pooney fingers can put it together!

    Carmen L

  13. Carolyn Smith says:

    Thank you so much for the Raggedy Ann.

  14. deesdesigns says:

    Thanks so much for Raggedy Ann and Andy – these are so special!

  15. Thank you so much for this Freebie. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in Creative Busy Hands Cricut Freebies Search List, under the Boy/Prince, Girl/Princess, Babies, Children, Character(s) Theme post on Jan. 08, 2010. Thanks again.

  16. Annel says:

    thanks I love her…I use to have one on my bed when I was little…

  17. Staci says:

    So cute Heather, Thank you! I have a question for ya, is there a way to design a file that makes the wavy cut that the 12″ decorative trimmer by creative memories makes? If you don’t know what I am talking about I can send you a pic of what the wave looks like and the actual trimmer so you can see what it looks like. Thank you!

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